My current state of physical activity has been one sit up every morning and whatever walking is required throughout the day.  Lunch is my favorite meal and often the largest of every day.  I always skip breakfast and then drink as much Coca-Cola as I can get my hands on.  Dinner is usually whatever Katie decides on and I will usually eat more than I should, attempting to prevent left-overs.  This has been the situation for the last 6 years or so.  My weight has fluctuated drastically within the last 3 years.  Recently I could no longer button most of my pants and found myself purchasing 36 inch waists.  Bending over at the waist to tie my shoes causes discomfort in my mid-section, and walking any flight of stairs takes the wind out of me.  Along with upcoming weddings, including my own in just over a year, I figured it was time for this:

to change.

Everyone back home was talking about P90X. Some friends were using it for their own excercise so I said why the hell not.  Above you can see my 6 before photos.  Laugh it up now, since you will eventually see my transformation at 30 days, 60 days, and finally 90 days.  The hardest part will be lasting the full 90 days.  We have a few trips planned and I currently plan to bring it with me to work out with as well.  I’m not really following their diet plan other than my portions have become lighter.  I’m eating breakfast, having half a protein bar between meals, sticking with a light lunch, and trying to stop at dinner when I’m no longer hungry.  Coke is gone from the house.  I may treat myself to one here and there, but I will try to resist the refills.  Lots of water is consumed.  I have always had headaches after serious physical activity.  Well I found out they are caused from dehydration and that I needed to be drinking more water.  Expect a post at each week’s end and every 30 days you get new pictures.  Today I finished day 3.  87 to go!