Productive and Excited

The wedding is coming up in less than two very short months. I am so excited and just occasionally stressed out about all there is to do to get ready. Luckily I have huge help–my mom has been immensely helpful in big and small ways–researching items to...

London Calling

Mandi and I are off to London tonight! Going to the Olympics has always been a dream of mine, and London presented itself as the perfect opportunity to fulfill this. A trip to an amazing city, tons to see and do (and eat and drink), and some of the games thrown in! I...

Life is…

…busy! I have been too caught up with life to post regularly. Here is a summary attempt, a post about what life is like nowadays. …full of travel. I have been heading down to LA quite a bit, most often for wedding planning. The most recent trip was full of...


It’s been awhile since I’ve checked in. When so much time passes between posts, it usually means one of two things: one, that I have suddenly gained tons of free time and have been in relaxation/scrapbooking/reading/sleeping in mode, or two, that things...

Checking In

I can’t believe it has been over a month since I’ve posted! Nik has been working really hard on revamping the site, and I love how it has come out. He’s especially worked over the Tying the KnotĀ portion of the website, so be sure to check that out!...